Tuesday, 14 February 2012

What exactly is LTE?

What exactly is LTE? LTE is the next step in wireless technology, and it’s expected to be THE mobile broadband platform for new services and innovation for the foreseeable future. Learn more about LTE and how AT&T 4G LTE allows you to stream, download, upload, browse and game faster than ever before.

ANADIGICS' Director of Marketing Wireless RF Products, Bruce Webber, explains the technology behind the latest standard and plans for moving forward beyond 3G:
- What is LTE?
- What are the market conditions for LTE?
- How does ANADIGICS address LTE?

For additional information on ANADIGICS' LTE product line, please visit the website: http://www.anadigics.com/products/list/lte/mobile_wls

Website: http://www.TopTenREVIEWS.com We spell it out. What exactly is 4g? 4G simply means the 4th Generation of wireless technology. We look at what it means for our relationship with the tech toys we love.

Introducing LTE Advance

LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) is the project name of the evolved version of LTE that is
being developed by 3GPP. LTE-A will meet or exceed the requirements of the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for the fourth generation (4G) radio
communication standard known as IMT-Advanced. LTE-Advanced is being specified initially as part of Release 10 of the 3GPP specifications, with a functional
freeze targeted for March 2011. The LTE specifications will continue to be
developed in subsequent 3GPP releases.
In October 2009, the 3GPP Partners formally submitted LTE-Advanced to the
ITU Radiocommunication sector (ITU-R) as a candidate for 4G IMT-Advanced [1]. 
Publication by the ITU of the specification for IMT-Advanced is expected by
March 2011. As more and more wireless operators announce plans to deploy
LTE in their next-generation networks, interest in LTE-Advanced is growing.
This application note covers the following topics:
• Summary of the ITU requirements for 4G
• Summary of 3GPP requirements for LTE-Advanced, including the expected
• Key solution proposals for LTE-Advanced
• Release 10 and beyond: Technologies under consideration
• Anticipated design and test challenges
The application note also introduces Agilent’s LTE-Advanced design and test
solutions that are ready for use by early adopters. These solutions will be continuously enhanced as the LTE-Advanced specifications are released.
To get the most from this application note, you should have knowledge of the basic
concepts of LTE technology. Detailed information is available in Agilent’s book
LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless: Design and Measurement Challenges (ISBN
978-988-17935-1-5) www.agilent.com/find/ltebook and in the application note “3GPP
Long Term Evolution: System Overview, Product Development, and Test Challenges”
(literature number 5989-8139EN), available at www.agilent.com/find/LTE.